Constitution of Hornsby Rugby Club

The Constitution of Hornsby Rugby Club is a set of fundamental principles that govern the club as a whole. To see the full Constitution of Hornsby Rugby Club click here

Code of Conduct

All Hornsby Rugby Club members and players are expected to have read and comply with the Club’s Code of Conduct. Please click here to view the Australian Rugby Union Code of Conduct By-Laws. At minimum all players should be familiar with Section 3 (pages 2 and 3) of this document.

The Off-Season Training Program for the Hornsby Lions is now available for download. For further details on any of the information within please see your coach.


A basic level of insurance cover is provided when you pay your registration fee online through Rugbylink.

Click here for Rugby Australia Insurance page.

Click here for Rugby Australia Player Insurance brochure.

All players are advised to take out private health insurance to provide a more complete level of cover.

All participants (Players, Coaches, Officials) must be registered in order to obtain insurance coverage. Hornsby Rugby offers a free registration options for coaches, managers and club officials.

Rugby Australia Concussion Management

Players who suffer concussion must be treated in accordance with Rugby Australia’s procedure.

It is a requirement that all players who suffer a concussion seek the highest level of medical care reasonably available to ensure concussion is managed appropriately.

  • All concussions should be taken seriously.
  • Children and adolescents must be treated more conservatively than adults.
  • All players with potential head injury or concussion must be removed from the field immediately.
  • Return to play or training on the same day is not permitted for any potential head injury or concussion.

Click here for Rugby Australia Concussion management information.

Preventing Injuries

Effective injury prevention involves a host of measures such as physical preparation (e.g. conditioning, warming-up, stretching and cooling-down); skill and technique development; use of protective equipment; enforcement of game laws; rule/law changes; and the management of general safety issues by administrators, coaches, referees and other personnel. The following safety tips apply to all players, irrespective of the level of play.

Physical Preparation

  • Players should undertake physical pre-season preparation during the off-season, and obtain advice on their conditioning program from either a coach or fitness advisor.
  • Players should develop their individual and team skills, with guidance from their coach, before playing in competitive situations.

Pre-participation Screening

  • New players and those older than 35 years, should consider undergoing preparticipation medical screening, with a qualified and experienced practitioner (e.g. sports physician or a general practitioner with sports medicine interest). Players should be prepared to accept the advice of a sports medicine professional that they should not play if they have a condition that places them at risk of injury.

Warm-up and Cool-down Procedures

  • A standard warm-up (15-30min) should consist of aerobic activity, stretching and skills practice immediately before a game.
  • Players should follow a regular stretching programme to increase and maintain flexibility.
  • Players should use correct techniques for regular stretching. Regular checking by a coach or trainer is advised.

Safety during the game

  • Tackling should be the focus of regular skills training and be progressively introduced to players.
  • At the breakdown, players should try to remain on their feet. Training of team play for the breakdown is important, as is the prevention of foul play.
  • Correct techniques for de-powering the scrum as specified by the ARU must be followed at all times.
  • Mouthguards should be worn at all times during games and practices in which impacts to the teeth and jaw are possible. Players, especially those in more vulnerable positions and higher grades, should choose custom-fabricated mouthguards.
  • Mouthguards should be replaced every two years or when damaged or deteriorated.
  • Players should recognise that injuries to either themselves or other players can still occur with the use of protective equipment.
  • Injured players should return to play only after appropriate rehabilitation to regain their strength, fitness and mobility.
  • Players should only wear correct footwear, as specified by Law 4, which is maintained to allow for optimal training and the rehabilitation of injuries.
  • Players with a previous severe injury should consult their sports medicine practitioner about the value of using protective equipment in their individual case.